Amen to that. I use EasyDNS for DNS Services as well. Domain Registration Done Right. I was turned on to easyDNS through TidBITS and Adam Engst, its publisher and my friend. I, like most right-thinking people, have been dissatisfied with Network Solutions since 1994. They have never seemed to master the most basic Web technologies: Web-based interfaces, passwords, self-service, databases, etc. It was beyond me that in 1996, they seemed to manage everything through email that was manually entered into databases. It’s beyond me in 2002 that you can’t seem to get them to perform a single transfer correctly, partly because they rely on a complicated system that involves email. I’ve tried other domain registrars and been left cold. I won’t mention them because none of them demonstrate the incompetence of Network Solutions, but rather just don’t quite get it right. I’ve read a number of articles lately about how Network Solutions has allegedly tried to delay domain registrar transfers to frustrate users when their renewal fees are up. easyDNS is a breath of fresh air. Their site is well-designed and easy to use. They immediately want you to create a single Web-based account accessed over SSL that you use to manage all of your contact information, domains, and payment. They also throw in more … [GlennLog]