OK, here’s the news I was teasing about earlier. As you may know, Jon Udell took a job at InfoWorld, as a columnist with an agent provacateur sideline. His mission: to get the content of InfoWorld to start to flow out through weblogs. This was deliberate, I am told, by Steve Gillmor, who hired Jon. Most InfoWorlders don’t know much about weblogs, but the management is curious, probably a bit more than curious. So today, they will take a step down a path that (I think) will eventually turn InfoWorld into a fully-weblog-enabled publication, with their first blog, authored by Jon Udell, of course. Now to a Scripting News reader this is hardly earth-shaking. It means that Jon’s url changed. BFD, right? But now the InfoWorld readers (and reporters, columnists, editors, sales people and management) are going to be reading and hearing about weblogs from one of the best in the techblogger community. What’s next? More InfoWorld weblogs, of course! After that, I’ll take Pat McGovern to lunch and talk about the good old days and the bright future. [Scripting News]