What do we do when he doesn’t let the inspectors back in?
We goto war, with the world. Bush’s speech yesterday, if anything, set the groundwork for that to happen. The world will go with us. And it will be the right thing to do.
“thinkusaalignright”Lance asks why there is no debate on war in Iraq in the US. Good question. I’ll do my part. I’m in the US. I am against the US going to war with Iraq. Saddam has had chemical and biological weapons for a long time. Nothing new there. The US apparently doesn’t believe he has nuclear weapons, but even if he does, or if he gets them, he’s about as likely to use them as India and Pakistan were in their war earlier this year. In the end the same balance that applied betw the US and the Soviet Union and China in previous decades applies in Central Asia. Nuclear weapons are not tactical devices, they are strategic. They are only useful as potential weapons. They say Saddam is a madman. I don’t think he’s so crazy as to use nuclear weapons. My hope is that this war talk is just posturing to get the inspectors back in, which of course would be a good thing. [Scripting News]