I just read through the dossier on Iraq presented by Prime Minister Blair. I think it proves the danger the world faces and why America is not waiting around for that danger to be activated. We’re going to attack to try to stop Iraq. I recall a moment in history before the start of WWII where the British Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain, waved a piece of paper signed by Hitler indicating peace was at hand. I think the people who do not want to attack Iraq would have been believers in the old Chamberlain episode. If America had a Democratic President currently, I would be deeply concerned that “Neville Chamberlain” had returned to our high office. Fortunately, we have a President that is unafraid to exercise military power to stop Iraq and all others who directly threaten us. I know people may disagree with me. That’s fine. I suggest they read the dossier I linked to above. If they can recommend an effective solution for Iraq as an alternative that isn’t a rerun of the ineffective policies of the past, I’ll listen. If not, I’m maintaining my support of the current war plan because I know that will work. [Donald W. Larson’s Radio Weblog]