I agree that he wasn’t the greatest President, not by far.
But he is, undoubtedly, our greatest former President.
President Jimmy Carter was awarded the Nobel Prize For Peace today. I voted for him in the 1976 election. I haven’t forgiven myself yet for that mistake in thinking. I do not look upon his Nobel Prize recognition as something to be proud of as an American. I think President Carter’s approach to the American problems during his term were all wrong. He badly mishandled the economy and completely was impotent about the American hostage situation in Iran. Previously, President Carter didn’t help the Shah of Iran when Iran was under siege by Islamic fundamentalists. He made America look weak, not strong. By letting Iran fall to dangerous fanatics, he implied the message that to be aggressive towards America was proper and wouldn’t be challenged. He, in my opinion, helped create the ‘safe havens’ of radical Islamic fundamentalists we are now at war with. Why he should be awarded a prize for peace when he helped create war is confusing to me. I do give President Carter credit for helping the homeless, but that has nothing to do with world peace. [Donald W. Larson’s Radio Weblog]