Dave Winer wants to know the answer to a question many such liberals ask:
“I’d like to know if we plan to go to war with every dictator who has nukes. That means we have to invade Pakistan for sure. And North Korea, we learned yesterday. It all depends on your point of view and what continent you live on, and whether the despot has oil.”My answer would be that any nation that threatens us directly is at risk of being attacked by the United States. If a country does not threaten us directly, then it has nothing to fear. America can choose among a number of responses and war is one of them. That does not mean in every case, we will go to war. I think a good signal that war is coming is when troops start getting deployed, war ships sail, and aircraft start heading for the region targeted. Of course liberals are against war of any kind. They seem to lack the personal fortitude it takes to bring harm to any group that would threaten them and the rest of us. The liberals in my opinion, are part of the reason countries take pot-shots against us now or terrorists outright attack us as in WTC. The liberals running the vast majority of the American news media and Hollywood convey an image of America that is weak, idealistic, liberal, and passive. I know the liberals represent the minority of Americans, but their control of the news and TV is a majority. They send the signals that all of us are the way they portray Americans. Nothing could be further from the truth. Public policy represents the majority view and right now that view is towards action and not talk. Liberals ask many questions and even when painstakingly answered, they still don’t get it. It’s a waste of time to talk in many cases when that time could be better used to plan and prepare for action whether far or near. In the months and years ahead as America acts out its intent, there will be lots of liberals asking questions, engaging in peaceful protesting (as is their right), and in the end, doing nothing of importance to stop what the majority wills. [Donald W. Larson’s Radio Weblog]