A Great Thought from John Robb…
Larry Lessig writes:
It is the particular hell for lawyers that after an argument, we live in the purgatory of constantly reliving the argument. Every night since Wednesday I have awoken in the middle of the night, to spend the rest of the night reanswering Justice Ginsburg, or asking Chief Justice Rehnquist just how he could distingiush Commerce from Copyright. The kind words of so many notwithstanding, I know and have always known I am not Larry Tribe, or Kathleen Sullivan. And if, after getting this so close to the right result, I have lost this by not being them, then I am not quite sure how I will live with that fact.
Larry, be confident of one thing: you did your duty. It was the right thing to do. What more can you can you be expected to do? This isn’t a one shot deal, this is a multi-generational battle for the heart and soul of ideas. Nobody expected it to be won in a single shot. [John Robb’s Radio Weblog]