I gotta work on my list 😉
My essential software — sorta.. I set up a new work computer a while back and was logging everything I installed on it. In order. Perhaps for a list of My Essential Software, with commentary. But then I forgot I was doing it. And so I’ve now installed a bunch more stuff. Of course, most of it isn’t essential. And now I’m just going to publish the list because I’ll never getting around to writing the commentary (except the first one), or even, hell, linking the titles.
The machine started was a 2.4 Ghz Dell tower with 512MB of RAM, running WinXP Pro. It came with Microsoft Works and a bunch of other free crap. Here are the first 25 programs I installed.
Fascinating, huh?! [evhead]
- WS_FTP. Oddly, this was the first thing I installed. I didn’t consider it essential at all÷in fact, I don’t think I even have it on my other ‘puter. I usually use the command line. But I needed to see the progress of a great-big download, and the built-in FTPing in explorer was not working right.
- Zinf.
- Putty.
- Trillian.
- Microsoft Outlook 2002.
- Cisco VPN 5000 client.
- Adobe Acrobat Reader.
- Nelson Email Organizer.
- SpamAssasin Pro.
- QuickTime.
- Visual SlickEdit.
- Java JDK 1.3.1.
- Photoshop 5.5/ImageReady 2.0
- HomeSite 4.0
- AnalogX TSDropCopy
- Photoshop 6.0/ImageReady 3.0
- Microsoft Office 2000 Pro (sans Access, Word, and Outlook)
- Microsoft ActiveSync (for Pocket PC)
- Mozilla
- Netscape 4.08
- Cloudmark SpamNet
- WinCVS
- Opera
- Netscape 6
- CygWin