DBForm. Recently dbform has been appearing in my referer logs and I just had to have a look. Apparently it’s written by Tony Blair (yes really) – now you know what he does when he’s not solving Britain’s problems!
If you have been a Web Database Developer for even a short time you will realise that most of your work is creating web forms and most of those forms do basically one action: updating records in a single database table.
Having to completely rewrite code to do basically the same task for every form is not only annoying it’s a waste of time. You can copy and paste but in the long run it takes almost as much time to make sure that you removed all of the data from the previous form and adapted it to the new table. So what is the answer?
Well after several years as a Web Database Developer I knew what the answer was, create a Class to build the form based on a database table, I just never got around to doing it. Until now that is.
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