I am trying to think through the reasons people are opposing this war. This is not an indictment of those reasons, it is just me thinking them through. Not everyone who opposes the US on this war will support all of these reasons (many would actually oppose many of the reasons listed). The opposition is a diverse group. Here is my list:
- Opposition to all war.
- Frustration with the US, as the sole superpower in the world, exercising its military power without considering the desires of the rest of the world. This is tied to the hope, that global activism in combination with strict fealty to the UN, can contain US power.
- Opposition to the US across the board (anti everything the US does).
- The US is the #1 source of global evil (this is a stronger version of the above).
- Belief that UN inspections and sanctions can work to prevent Iraq from ever becoming a threat -or- that Iraq has already been disarmed.
- Belief that war is more of a threat to the Iraqi people than living under Saddam for another couple of decades.
Any more add to this list? [John Robb’s Radio Weblog]