Anyone want to see my ass branded?
Back in the ’90s, during the Net boom, Fast Company published an article by Tom Peters titled “The Brand Called You.” The idea was for professionals to start handling their own lives and careers with the same approach that a company takes in managing its brand.
The term “branding,” of course, comes from cattle, and there was always something suspicious about the idea of bringing such thinking into the realm of individual lives.
Now we have a new kind of branding on the personal level: Real honest-to-god physical branding. People walking around with corporate logos and advertisements not only sewn onto their clothing and plastered over their accoutrements but actually tattooed on their foreheads.
The idea is the brainchild of a London marketing outfit. Students who agree to be branded receive $6.85 an hour for three hours of being “out and about” with their foreheads on display.
[Scott Rosenberg’s Links & Comment]