I was once an active USENET participant.. that essentially ended when I left Indiana University — and even there I was only active in the local newsgroups, rarely in the larger ones that spanned the world….
I’m not doing as well blogging – I find myself writing only sometimes.. I just bought a new laptop, so perhaps this will change…
Blogs, scopes, and human routers. Back before there were blogs, my groupthink laboratory was the NNTP protocol, which I used at roughly four levels: workgroup (my new media development team at BYTE Magazine), department (the BYTE editorial team), company (all of BYTE), and world (BYTE’s public newsgroups). I learned something then that was, and still is, quite difficult to describe — but critically important. I call it the principle of scoped collaboration, and I illustrated it in a chapter of my book like so: … [Jon’s Radio] Imagine a blogging and daily work tool which made this easy. A personal hub server. [TIG’s Corner]