For the first time, during the flight home from St. Croix to Boston, I heard President George W. Bush’s speech at the National Cathedral a few days after September 11th.
I had never heard this speech – I was working that day and never got a chance to hear it. I may have read it in the days following, but I certainly never saw it on television or on the radio.
It’s fantastic speech – and one that I deeply regret missing at the time.
I have been thinking about September 11th the last few days – just finished reading American Ground about the deconstruction of the World Trade Center between September 11th and May of the following year. It’s a great read that looks at the emotional anguish of the firemen and police – and others – as well as the technical and leadership challenges involves in cleaning up after an incident of that magnitude.
As the sky darkens as this plane races north, my thoughts float back to what we experienced – and how I felt – how we all felt..
I remember. Do you?