Friday night I took a spill down the stairs after tripping over my own damn feet. Having caught my big toe on the way down and bending it in a way that it wasn’t meant to be, I was startled to find when I landed that my toe didn’t feel so hot.
Being the stubborn male that I am, I thought I had merely sprained it. So some ice here and there, foot up in the air for a day on the coffee table. After all, I was getting around pretty well…
Worked from home yesterday (a highly productive day, mind you, more so than most) and then made the trek into work today for a full day.
Big mistake.
More foot pain and a larger bruise by mid-day.
By 1:00pm I’d had enough – went home and off we trekked to the ER.
Quick service, only an hour, X-Rays and all…
Spiral fracture of the “great toe”.
Great toe.. because big isn’t good enough.