Clearly, James Lileks writes one of the best blogs on the web. A sample from this week:
My life today would have been much easier if I hadn’t been struck with the vision of a former president taking the podium in Boston to announce “I’m Bill Clinton, and I’m reporting for booty!” I loved that line, which of course is usually a bad sign, but I tried to work it into the weekly column anyway. Hence my grief this morning, retooling the column I wrote last night. I also sketched ‘Fence last night; both were due at noon. I met my deadlines, but it took much Gnat pacification along the way. I hate Tuesdays. I’d say more, but it would sound like whiny mewling, and it’s not as if my day consists of hoisting barrels or disarming improvised roadside bombs. All in all it’s pretty good. Life is a shining jewel of inestimable value.
He just needs a RSS Feed!