Want to see what a soldier things about Michael Moore? Take a gander at Michael’s Post over at A Day In Iraq:
Mr. Moore, I humbly implore you to take that award and shove it up your ass. As for making more Fahrenheit 9/11’s, more power to you, it’s a free country thanks to the people that you continue to exploit. I warn you however, as I have before, if I or any of my brothers appear in one of your films, you will regret it. To combat your propaganda I have purchased a copy of FahrenHYPE 9/11 to take with me when I leave in a few days. I know among someone’s DVD collection there is a copy of your film. When I hear of your movie getting passed around among the guys, I will get them to watch Fahrenhype 9/11. It’s sad that I have to include a DVD in my arsenal of weapons to combat the enemy.