Once again, Blackfive reflects my own thoughts pretty clearly – there’s nothing here I disagree with:
No Matter What Happens Today
America will survive tomorrow.
Bin Laden and the Islamofascists will continue to attempt to destroy us. We haven’t had a Democrat that wants to fight since Roosevelt. Hopefully, the Democrats will be more on board with conducting the “war” on terror and Islamofascism. It’s not a cake party, it’s a war.
If John Kerry is NOT elected President, I sincerely hope that he follows through on his promises for a stronger America in the Senate. So far, he hasn’t done crap as a Senator to make us stronger.
If George Bush is NOT re-elected President, I sincerely hope that we will unleash HELL on the jihadis the world over. I would expect that he will transition the War management properly in a bi-partisan manner.
I’d like to see us partner more with India and other countries on the WoT. We partnered with the Communists during WWII. Depending on how far the war takes us, China may be a partner, too. France can go to hell…oh, too late, they’ve already taken that trip.