Why IDEO is seriously cool
This is all you need to know.
Bill Whittle: 2012
The always eloquent Bill Whittle writes:
So consider this, my fellows in arms:
On Tuesday, the Left – armed with the most attractive, eloquent, young, hip and charismatic candidate I have seen with my adult eyes, a candidate shielded by a media so overtly that it can never be such a shield again, who appeared after eight years of a historically unpopular President, in the midst of two undefended wars and at the time of the worst financial crisis since the Depression and whose praises were sung by every movie, television and musical icon without pause or challenge for 20 months… who ran against the oldest nominee in the country’s history, against a campaign rent with internal disarray and determined not to attack in the one area where attack could have succeeded and who was out-spent no less than seven-to-one in a cycle where not a single debate question was unfavorable to his opponent – that historic victory, that perfect storm of opportunity…
Yielded a result of 53%
Folks, we are going to lick these people out of their boots.
I am going to be a part of the rebirth of the Republican Party – and come 2012, we’re going to clean someone’s clock.
This will surprise no one
Not anyone that knows me, anyways.
I’m voting for John McCain this morning.
I’m intrigued by Barack Obama – earlier this year I took the time to read through his position statements on most major issues. Unfortunately for the junior Senator from Illinois, I disagree with him on just about every major issue – particularly economics, taxes, gun control, and how to best prosecute the War on Terror / War in Iraq.
I’ve always liked and respected John McCain – and while I also disagree with him on many policy issues (abortion, for example) – he is a much better candidate for this office than Mr. Obama.
Should Mr. Obama win tonight/tomorrow, come January 20th at noon, I’ll marvel at a country that elected its first non-white President – and I’ll continue to hold the Presidency in high regard and continue to respect the office and the person that holds it. Which, I suspect, is alot more than Obama’s supporters will do should John McCain win… but I could be wrong.
As for local races, there’s no way in hell I would vote for Al Franken…
She sits alone by a lampost…
Trying to find a thought thats escaped her mind
She says dads the one I love the most
But stipes not far behind
She never lets me in
Only tell me wheres shes been
When shes had too much to drink
I say that I dont care I just run my hands
Through her dark hair and then I pray to god
You gotta help me fly away
– Hootie and the Blowfish, Let Her Cry
Saarinen, Target, and the Art of Good Design
The Design Blog at the Walker Art Center here in Minneapolis has a great story up featuring the design of our Target stores – the interview features Target’s Rich Varda, Senior Vice President of Store Design.
Here’s a look:
Rich Varda: RV: I think most people expect, because of their everyday experience, that retail architecture is the least expensive box you can have with some kind of pasted-on façade. It is very visible, but not a building of substance—a building of temporary qualities. It is certainly our objective at Target that not only are regular stores, but also modified and unique stores are buildings of substance—that the materiality, the form, and the function have been thought about and they all work together. It is not the least expensive possible box with a façade tacked onto it. I suppose to make a grandiose leap; Saarinen comes from that Finnish background that design should infuse every aspect of life. It is practically a national sport in Finland. It is fabulous to experience when you are there. Cranbrook represents that too. I think Target in a way has that same kind of spirit. The “Design for All” attitude asks why can’t good design infuse every aspect of life—from a Michael Graves toilet brush to utensils to furniture to buildings. That is what is expected as our brand, and our CEO supports that.
This race isn’t over yet
November 1st Zogby Poll:
Is McCain making a move? The three-day average holds steady, but McCain outpolled Obama today, 48% to 47%. He is beginning to cut into Obama’s lead among independents, is now leading among blue collar voters, has strengthened his lead among investors and among men, and is walloping Obama among NASCAR voters. Joe the Plumber may get his license after all. “Obama’s lead among women declined, and it looks like it is occurring because McCain is solidifying the support of conservative women, which is something we saw last time McCain picked up in the polls. If McCain has a good day tomorrow, we will eliminate Obama’s good day three days ago, and we could really see some tightening in this rolling average. But for now, hold on.